Monday, December 9, 2013


Time flies, one year passed,
now is the graduation for me.
I miss my current status.
no matter friends, studies, ..
I live how am I now.
Graduation separates us.
But, it won't stop us from connecting each other by FBing...
I hope our friendship lasts longer.
Cheer! My friends!

Friday, September 20, 2013


I do not know an invitation can cause such interrupted for you.
I am sorry.
I hope you come, because I wish my best friend will be around to accompany to celebrate such special celebration with me.
I am sorry.
I hope I can try to make the time more flexible to everyone. However, this built up a lot of problems such as no consistence of time.
I am sorry.
I scare if I did not invite my old friends, they will most probably forget me.
I am sorry.
I am not so concern and thoughtful, as I did not take a deep thinking before doing something.
I am sorry.
I have nothing to say, but just keep say sorry to my best friend.
What you had say. Is true.
'Why so desperately want people to join ar~'
Because I know if I do not step one step out.
I will most probably lost a best friend in my life ever.
This Birthday,I guess I have to celebrate alone,
as everyone is busy.
Again I cried.
Why my tears fall on my hand?

Saturday, September 14, 2013


September now,
Still have 13 days...
then you is a birthday girl...
but this year you have to face your birthday alone.
You know why?
Cuz everyone is busy.
They all are busy.
This is always happen, I don't blame them.
New environment, new life.
College and Pre-University always busy.
Add on, I can't think a reason that how should I blame them.
They did try their best.
I have no idea what am I doing.
Only my tear.
Why should I tear?
I have no idea,
cuz the tear is just flooding my pillow when I was sleeping yesterday.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Book fest in KLCC

It is glad to chat with my friend yesterday. We had a great talk in the Book Fest, KLCC. KLCC totally amazing and huge. Bundles of books from different countries which is cheap. A lot of discount and also getting my favourite author's signature. nOW, I am feeling great !

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Poker face...

The night is cold and dark.
No one else on the road at this midnight.
While mine college life is on the vacation mode.
no matter human being or animal are releasing their daily pressure,
by those dramas, Facebook, surfing internet, rushing for the last minutes assignments, etc.
While I,
still the same.
In loneliness,
in college and also friends' group.
repel from friends?
not really can use this word to say so.
but the truth is.
But i am slowly repelled from my friends.
The world in college is so realistic.
No money, no talk.
The higher status symbolic, the greater of respect you can ever have.
The fame, the name, and also your heart.
This does not means anything.
This only the thing  I wanna say so to the people that so fake.
Poker Face.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Tears from my eye side

Today night,
my heart bleeding.
Because my brother been hit by using a metal type hanger.
You aren't the awesome bro!
You hit my brother so badly.
You know he is a hyper-active child,
and you hit him badly by banging my room door.
When I saw his wounds and scars,
my heart again and again bleeding.
Why you treat him like this?
He is just a child,
no matter how wrong is he..
He just a child.
You can't punished him like that...
If your brother been hit like this,
how you will feel?
You will act cool or?
You always says that you got guts,
but sorry bro..
your guts use in the wrong place.
And u are PETTY person in this planet that I ever know.
I want to treat you just like how you treat my bro,
but I know I can't.
Because I have no such energy to fight against you.
I felt that I am useless.
I can't ever protect my brother from your act.
I felt ashamed.
Especially I can't do anything.
Humiliated ..
Insult by you.
I can't scold you.
I can't beat you.
Because I know I can't fight against you.
You, just my cousin bro.
But, in my house.
Please respect!
Without respect, home harmony being destroyed.
If my mum did not catch me to argue with you.
I guess now already a mess.
I want you to apologize to my bro.
But I know recently you listening to a phone call.
and your laughing on the call,
makes me vomit.
I hate your personal behaviour/ attitude.
Instead your parents still thought you are a good boy,
and they do not know your real personality.
But, I know.
That's enough.
And again : Please do not insult my parents again in front of your parents and relatives.
You really sick on it.
And you makes everyone felt that we are the bad people in the world.
Ya, I admit.
I am bad.
But, I am not as bad as you did.
Cuz, I will not hit my brother with wounds.
:(  sad night.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Anoymous de Blog

Seminyih sunset is incredible.
As waiting with a boy while sunset with you is amazing feeling as you unable to describe.
Calxin, I know you can...
Although the boy who loves you,but u do not love him at once.
You just trying to play the relationship between his heart.
Do you know that you already hurt him?
Hurt him deeply?

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Life Theory

Today is free to blogging.
As everyone knew that, lives are still going on.
There was no pause.
Only we tries harder to get rids of it.

Thursday, April 11, 2013


I am not sure am I still alive in the college or not.
Cause the lives here are damn boring.
This is the hardest part to live in a college.
Different cultures and lives you need to adapt.
Different experiences you must obtain from. :)

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


In school, we still remains as normal life.
We did not really know.
But I was happy, because i had fun with them.
Although the tomorrow's is different.
But, i still need to live,right?

Sunday, March 31, 2013








Tuesday, March 26, 2013


上了 college,连屁股都没坐稳,便有一大堆如山assignments and projects要赶.
choose Taylors.
 As English is what I commonly in use, so I decided to change back.
Sorry for any inconvenience.
I do not why I choose January Intake for what purposes.
So rush to get into college lifestyle.
Tell you the truth,
I am suffering in the college.
All my friends are not around.
I need to adapt to the environment again.
Try to get some new friends.
But,it is not easy thing.
As you need to balance between your study and your connections through some friends in college.
No friends in college is such a sad case.
Like me.
I recently feel alone most of the times.
Especially when i stepped out from the class,we just like passing by.
We do not talk at all.
We just need each other when we need to get into a group work.
In group presentation.
After that, we are just nothing.
Maybe I do not know how to socialize with them.
But, what I know is.
I am walking for my way.
My future through university.
I am so happy to gathering with my tuition friends.
Especially we gathering until 12 am in Setia Walk.
Thanks for you all accompany which fulfill my memory in secondary school.
And in tuition class.  :)